Image displaying coffee storage containers.

Coffee storage containers + 5 things to store in them !

Coffee storage containers work so well and look so fine.  It’s not long before you find other uses for them! Here’s my top 5 !

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Looking for a Christmas or Birthday present to give the coffee lover in your life? You just found it.

Coffee beans in coffee storage containers !

Let’s start with the easy one !  The very thing the containers were designed to store. In the 250G or the 500G capacity. These work so well. Fantastic for use with pour over coffee. Also in conjunction with an espresso machine.

Moreover great for transportation. Want to show your best friend your new blend? Now you can. Degradation free coffee storage. Easy to slip into a bag. Got the 250G version ? Great ! These fit in the pockets of a jacket. Cowabunga !

Rice or small pasta

Rice is hard to store. Yes the plastic bags it comes in offer ingenious resealing solutions. But they never work.

Say goodbye to spilling renegade grains all over the floor. Storing rice this way works so well. You’ll wonder how you ever got by before. Tell your friends !

Ideal for mobility too. Want to store rice for a camping or an outdoor adventure? Now you can.

Don’t forget rice is lovely to eat but keep it away from your coffee grinder  read more about cleaning coffee grinders.

Health supplements

Coffee storage containers can store ground coffee from fine to coarse. But what about very fine powders? Yes indeed they store very well in the air free cans.

From straight protein supplements to Taurine and L-Glutamine. Struggle no more with those crappy containers they always come in. Use our coffee storage containers and look the nuts too !

Herbs and spices

If you’re a bit of a cook then you’ll know how poor standard storage is. Barely a fortnight has gone by and your precious herbs and spices are failing. Increasing doses every time until the inevitable happens and it’s thrown in the bin.

Well bin no more, keep your mixes in these honeys and you’ll get the same kick time after time. There’s no better way to organise herbs and spices either.

Simply press this button to move the lid up or down. Once down the container is air free.

Coffee storage containers ideal for hiding – Snacks !

Balti mix, crisps, crackers. haribo. You name it these containers keep small food items fresh too ! Keep a sneaky can of Bombay Mix in one. Sat in the draw, always there if you need a lifter !

So what are you waiting for? Buy them at Happy Donkey.

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